Customer Testimonials

“Nothing could have been better! Outstanding installation job done by an exceptional crew. Jaycox came highly recommended to me and is now highly recommended by me.” Walter, Sun City West

“I have used Jaycox several times, both at my personal residence and at my place of employment. I have been pleased with the level of service as well as the honesty and professionalism of your employees.”

John, Bestwestern Youngtown

“I have been a customer of Jaycox for many years. I have never had a negative experience. From my new equipment to my Home Performance Evaluation,everything I needed was handled with 100% precision. I so appreciate the professionalism of Jaycox!”

Tatiana, Glendale

“My Jaycox Service Technician, Scott, and the Comfort Consultant, Bob Perini, were personable and professional. Bob worked with us to come up with a new unit that met our comfort needs and was within our budget. Totally top rate experience!”

Mark B., Surprise, AZ

“Our unit went out on the 4th of July. We were so pleased by how quickly a service technician showed up at our house. Our unit needed to be replaced but the technician was able to provide a temporary fix to get us cooling until a new unit could be arranged. So pleased by the level of service! Will NOT use anyone other than Jaycox.”

Joan and Paul K., Sun City West, AZ